Kids Knit as seen on TV!

kids knit Feb 28, 2018

Since Kids Knit is the UK and Ireland’s premiere children’s knitting programme, we were rather chuffed when the BBC approached our franchisee, Samira Hill, to film one of her Kids Knit classes for a Cbeebies tv show called Down On The Farm.

The Cbeebies film crew braved the snowy weather and arrived one cold Saturday morning at the venue (a gorgeous cafe called Cafe U in Kelso whose scrumptious soup, sandwiches and scones I am happy to recommend), and set up a mini studio to film our little Kids Knitters.

We created a lovely filming environment with all our gorgeous knitted blankets, cushions, throws and cute knitted toys, our beautiful home made knitting needles and baskets of scrumptious wool in delightful colours.  Maddison, Paige, Hope, Kansiray, his mum Geraldine and Samira performed with confidence and poise in front of the cameras ….  and then 5 hours later it was all over!


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