Meet Jaki, our Star Knitter at Knit Night & Day classes in Cramond and Blackhall

knit night & day Jan 01, 2019

Fiona Campbell teaches Knit Night & Day classes in the Cramond and Blackhall area of Edinburgh. One of her popular classes takes place on Tuesday mornings in a beautiful conservatory in Ye Olde Inn in Davidsons Mains. Fiona thought it would be fun to introduce one of her knitting companions, so please meet Jaki, this month’s Star Knitter!

Hello Jaki!  Who taught you to knit and how long ago?

My granny taught me when I was about 5 or 6.  I knitted up until my mid-twenties, then I got diverted!  I knitted on and off over the years but not successfully – I had a good friend who finished projects for me!

What do you like about Fiona’s classes?

I like the friendship and banter.  It’s a very sociable group.

What kind of thing do you enjoy knitting most?

I’m now addicted to Fair Isle!

What do you like about knitting?

I find it very therapeutic, and it keeps your brain active, and when you actually complete something there’s a sense of achievement.

Do you have a favourite place to sit and knit?

When it’s warm and sunny, the conservatory.  If it’s cold and wet beside the fire is nice.

Do you have a favourite beverage or snack you enjoy while you’re knitting?

No – I get so engrossed in my knitting I forget to eat or drink!

What’s your favourite yarn?

Rowan Felted Tweed – it’s so soft and easy to work with, and good for Fair Isle.

How many projects do you have on the go at once?

At the moment I have four, including a cardigan I’ve been making for 5 years!

What skills would you like to develop next?

Actually knitting a jumper, following a pattern – maybe a lacy pattern – and completing it successfully.  And I’d like to knit a pair of socks, just so I can say I’ve knitted socks!

What would you like to knit next?

I think I might save up to knit a Fair Isle jumper or cardigan, but I need to save my pennies!


Thanks Jaki!


50% Complete

Two Step

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